lorovita education

In our "Lorovita education" section you will find interesting topics about raw foods, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Please do not hesitate to send us your questions and wishes for topics to info@lorovita.de. We try to take this into consideration.

The ticking season is in full swing! This simple remedy helps to keep ticks away.

Ticks are tiny pests that typically live in humid and moist environments, especially in or near grassy or wooded areas. You could come into contact with these pesky and uncomfortable pests during outdoor activities around your home or while gardening, hiking, or camping....

You can read the full article at Daily Health Keeper.

Check out the following video to create a homemade insect spray - exclusively made from natural ingredients:

Source: David Wolfe

Nutrition: The healthiest Sweetener

Here you will find an interesting comparison of sweeteners.


Quelle: NutritionFacts.org

Science: Protective Effect of Borage Seed Oil and Gamma Linolenic Acid on DNA: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies

Borage (Borago officinalis L.) seed oil has been used as a treatment for various degenerative diseases. Many useful properties of this oil are attributed to its high gamma linolenic acid content (GLA, 18:3 ω-6). The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the safety and suitability of the use of borage seed oil, along with one of its active components, GLA, with respect to DNA integrity, and to establish possible in vivo toxic and in vitro cytotoxic effects. In order to measure these properties, five types of assays were carried out...

You can read here the full article:

COCONUT SUGAR: Is It Actually Better Than Regular Sugar?

By “Sacred Steve” Adler

Being a chocolate maker (someone who makes chocolate from scratch), I am always on the lookout for great sweeteners to use in Sacred Chocolate. Several years ago, a vendor approached me trying to sell me coconut sugar (aka coconut palm sugar as opposed to palm sugar which is not from a coconut tree) as a healthy sweetener because of its relatively low glycemic index of 35...

You can read here the full article:


